Find a Leaking Ship


This is the tenth in a collection of newspaper ads from United Technologies that appeared in the Wall Street Journal from the late 1970s through the early 1980s. Here is the original ad.

Many a
foundering ship
could be
rescued by your
ideas and energy.
A failing business,
a scout troop,
a church choir,
a public school.,
or a city council.
Plenty of
are salvageable
if they
get the
right kind
of help.
America went
from its
naval loss
(Pearl Harbor)
to its
naval victory
in just six
So plug up
the leaks,
trim the sales
and get going.
Your effort
can make a

The ad this week is a timely one for Memorial Day.

The ad notes how America went from its greatest naval loss at Pearl Harbor to its greatest naval victory at Midway in just six months. A turnaround that changed the course of history.

The ad encourages us to be on the lookout for all types of struggling organizations, whether it is a failing business, a scout troop, a church choir, a public school, or a city council. We may have the right skill set, access to capital, new idea, or simply the willingness to serve that could “plug the leaks” at these organizations.

As the ad points out, your effort can make a difference.

I also want to express my gratitude to those who have given their lives fighting for our country. Your efforts made a difference.

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