Why Did I Wait Almost 30 Years?


This semester at Villanova I have had the opportunity to

  • go to a women’s soccer game
  • a women’s volleyball game
  • volunteer at the Special Olympics
  • watch a student production of Seussical
  • attend a lecture on Homelessness
  • listen to student entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas
  • watch men from the cross country team compete at Nationals via live streaming from Kentucky
  • attend a Christmas musical concert by the men’s and women’s choirs, including a few a capella songs

The total cost of all the above was $40 for four Seussical tickets; everything else was free.

Our family thoroughly enjoyed all of these events, and now when I look back on all of it, my first thought is, “Why haven’t I been taking advantage of such opportunities for the past 29 years?”

And there was certainly many more events that we could have attended during the semester; this weekend alone there were also performances by the Villanova Jazz Band, another Christmas show (this one featuring Irish dancers), and a separate a capella performance.

While many of the events noted above featured our wonderful students, there are also many presentations by faculty, both our own and visitors. Here is a sample of some of the talks that have taken place this semester:

  • “Detecting Cosmic Photons with Cryogenic Sensors”
  • “To Stand Behind the Lectern, Alongside, or Without it–Is the Lecture on the Way Out?”
  • “21st Century Nursing Ethics: Preserving Integrity and Building Moral Resilience”
  • “Humanity in Crisis: The Rights of People Displaced by War.”
  • “Artificial Intelligence Turbocharges Analytics”
  • “How Dante Can Save Your Life.”

Admittedly, I did not attend any of these lectures, but I am sure that there were likely several informative and entertaining presentations among the dozens that are made over the course of a semester that I would have enjoyed.

I am blessed to work at a great University, and while there’s nothing I can do to make up for the past 30 years of ignoring many of the opportunities that a college campus offers, I plan to actively seek out such events starting with the next semester.

Who know, one or two of them could provide the raw material for a blog post…

One thought on “Why Did I Wait Almost 30 Years?

  1. Well part of the tine, you and your wife were raising your wonderful boys. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Now you and Mary have more time to enjoy such things.


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